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Updated: Jun 16, 2022

Continuing the previous Post, at the beginning, human developmental program demands a “third element” or an executor in order to be implemented: another human being.

The third element is in charge of enabling, in future, the new human system’s autonomy. An ideal Program would result in a healthy psychological development. A dependent Program, on the other hand, use to have, at a certain point, some deficit on cross-linking information. From discrepancy between database protocol and mistaken execution, emerges expectation that information and data adjust/ and development is back to the right track. From frustrated protocol expectation a very basic lack sensation is born, whose result is an emotional condition called anguish. Going back to previous analogy, anguish leads searching for lacking information. If information is found and fits the expected protocol, spontaneous development is recovered/. This search is started during the first years and continues until the right information is found and lacking area is integrated. The “integration journey” is called Intuitive Search. A well succeeded “Intuitive Search” results in an authentic adult life’s project. A life Project, in a broader sense, is driven by two main motivational pillars: necessities (survival) and will (wishes). These pillars lead to Identity development. Intuitive Search shows route flaws/ and aims at integrating incomplete areas, concluding Psychological maturity journey. Deepening into Cenesthetic Program Theory would demand a sophistication that is out of our purpose. To our intent, it should be enough to know that lacking human condition (anguish) is constituted of two potentials: will (wishes) and creativity. Will is constituted by two drives: feminine and masculine, found in all human beings. Creativity is the potential (ability) to search for their needs and wishes satisfaction, in an authentic way/. A creative expression is also known as spontaneity. Complicated? What matters, so far, is that human development should happen quite like that: “lacking” and creatively. Once a child begins to socialize, it is also ready to develop intelectual abilities. Psychological development will be built in three dimensions: Learning (behavior imitiation), Introjection (psychological traits) and one’s own experience. They will be in charge of Ego development, during childhood and Sexual Identity, from puberty on. To be continued in the next Post

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