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Image by davide ragusa

Cecília Leite Costa

Áreas atuação

Psychodramatic Analysis (PA) is the methodology created by Dias, Victor taught in São Paulo School of Psychodrama. It entails two phases of personality’s build: 

Cenesthetic(sensorial)-physiological  system and correlated emotions development

Psychological-Ego’s development


Psychodramatic Analysis works with psychodynamic and developmental perspectives in a complementary way. The first one help us dig into unconscious source of behavior patterns and the second helps understand emotional susceptibilities intrinsic to vital cycle changes.

Covered Areas
Individual Psychotherapy.

In Individual psychotherapy I work with people at any age from puberty on.

Individual psychotherapy is focused on the depths of unconsciousness, on the development of emotional maturity and atonement. 

It is a long term psychotherapy

Couples Therapy

Conjugal Crisis Structural Diagnosis is the method of choice to work over couples crisis. It helps understanding neurotic aspects (projections) of relationship, the enchantment stage (passion), the decision to share one’s life with someone (marriage), the stage of enchantment(passion), the decision to share one’s life with someone(marriage), conveniences and crisis’s focus. 

It is a brief Therapy

Family Therapy

The family therapist mediates hard talks offering a continent and protected setting to the emergence of secrets and other contents had to admit. 

It is a brief therapy

Support Group


Spontaneous Theater


Spontaneous Theater

Water’s Drop Spontaneous Theater

Triggering acts

Director: Claudia Fernandes

Water’s Drop Spontaneous is women’s team who explores social and psychological conflicts related to feminine conditions. Based on Moreno’s Spontaneous Theater, short calls are taken from art, literature and daily life comics. They trigger conflicts that are played by public. 

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Therapy Session

Psychodramatic Techniques

Some present life’s situations cause disproportionate distress because they repeat the feeling of emotional threat of situations in the past. Psychodrama techniques work as a catalyst in of these situations and are useful tool to reveal distresses that are disproportionate to reality and are linked to symptoms.

Individual Psychotherapy

Techniques help individuals to work out their present (circumstantial) and past (neurosis) conflicts, and also the ones typical of developmental phases (existential)



-Role Pay

-Role Reversal


Couples’ Therapy

-Techniques help to avoid quarreling, on emotions discharge and help raise awareness of the processes in a relationship - how close or distant partners are-when they come to therapy


-Role Play

-Role Reversal


-Shared Area

Family Therapy

Techniques help to avoid quarreling, on emotions discharge on raise awareness of the processes in a  relationship - how close or distant partners are-when they come to therapy, as well as introjected traits/behaviors coming from origin families



-Role Play

-Role Reversal


-Shared Area

-Genealogical Tree

Areas of Expertise

Social Inhibition

Adolescence/Sexual Identity

About me

Body speaks through agitated, hesitant gestures, contentions…

Body tells what the speaker did not mean… it denounces…

The methodology has fascinated me because it combines behavioral and unconscious aspects of functioning of mind and techniques that help make sessions more dynamic. 


The techniques adapted from psychodrama assist in working with conflicts typical of each stage of development and with the symptoms presented by patients. With the techniques, we work the conflicts in the present time. Decoding dreams helps to recover covert memories linked to conflicts. With this technique, we recovered the origin of these conflicts, eventually, in the past.

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