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The most relevant characteristic of typical I.S anguishes is that, once people systematically avoid highly erotic desired partners, memories linked to the conflicting situations are erased from consciousness. These unconscious ways of behaving (pattern) are known as psychodynamics. Avoided sexual partners are the ones whose contact trigger pathological (neurotic) anguish or, in other words, the ones who put people in contact with their undeveloped sexuality side, which they haven’t been aware of so far . These situations are usually triggered by chance. Once people are demanded in their absent or badly structured sexuality part, “(...)latent content is brought to light, conflict is installed and brings, together with it, anguish”. (Dias, 1996, p 120)[1]. “Provoking” the conflict , however, may also be a deliberate psychotherapeutic strategy (if people become aware of their neurotic pattern and want to be pushed to confronting it). The point is that, from that time on, previous hidden content”(...) is accessible in setting, what makes it possible to be worked out ”. (ibid).


Psychodramatic Analysis (P.A)[3] approach consists in clarifying the unconscious behavior patterns, deepening into neurotic anguish and finally getting into conflicts with existing models (the ones from childhood- mainly mother and father). At this point, depending on how severe the case is, role playing[4] is recommended (which, in this context, means to deliberately bring about situations that used to trigger panic or phobic behaviors before). The fulcral point is understanding that S.I typical anguishes are always neurotic. Patients’ insights, though, come from becoming aware of their part in repeated sexual and romantic “failures” and the feeling they have lost control of their lives (phobic behaviors). Once existing models are unblocked, fusion with Idealized Sexual Identities happens and people conclude their Sexual Identities. From that time on, they are able to enjoy all possible sexual energy discharging channels in order to make integrated choices of how to explore their sexuality.

[1] Dias, R.C.S.V. 1996.Sexual Identity Evolution. In Conjugal Bond in Psychodramatic Analysis. São Paulo. Ágora.IV:81-108. [2] Chapter VII-Anguishes regarding sexual partners-Part 2 in You Tube –Talking about psychology with Cecília Leite [3]Psychodramatic Analysis is the name of Dias’ methodology. [4] Role Playing is a technique adapted from Moreno’s Psychodrama by Dias in specific clinical situations.

[1] Dias, R.C.S.V. 1996.Evolucão da Identidade Sexual. In Vínculo Conjugal na Análise Psicodramática. São Paulo. Ágora. IV: 81 – 108 [2] Bloco VII- Episódio 2-Angústias geradas por bloqueios no Desenvolvimento da Identidade Sexual- Parte 2, em YouTube Falando de Psicologia com Cecília Leite [3] Tecnicas adaptadas do Psicodrama moreniano por Dias em casos específicos.

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