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Continuing the previous Post, structural blocks in this stage usually come from:

1) (self) rejection[1], that might result in:

- Contact Impediments

These are cases in which emotional contact with others are inhibited or blocked. In some of them, block might be so severe that even the capacity to fantasize becomes inhibited or blocked. Therefore, the stage in which fantasies start to be directed to someone they are interested in doesn’t happen, and the pre-adolescent doesn’t become familiar with sexual attraction typical sensations. These are usually cases of highly emotional insecurity in which getting on contact with erotic excitement is quite anguishing, such as in phobic, highly depressed or some schizoid cases.

2) Internalized moral censorship[2]. In short, these are cases in which people count on masturbation as a discharging channel, that might result in:

- Exploitation of their own bodies, without sexual relationships

In these cases, people’s sexual life is commonly restricted to their fantasies, without real and active sexual relationships[3].

- Relationships erotic discharge restricted to the person’s fantasies.

In these cases, people start the process of having idols – transitions from parental models to different identity references- but don’t go through the first developmental projection stage, in which these traits are projected in a Great Friend- second developmental stage of S.I. As a result, sexual relationships may happen, but sexual discharge stays connected to a fantasize elsewhere, that is, connected to an idealized character, out of the sexual act. These people need a third element (voyerism, fetish) not as preliminary game to sex (“heating game”, but as a necessary condition to sexual discharge. The most relevant or distinctive mark is “the systematic avoidance of eroticized physical contact with a real partner[4].

To be continued in the next Post

[1] For more details see Post 3- Self-sexual developmental stage [2] For more details see Post 3- Self-sexual developmental stage [3] In cases of deep regressions, S.I are also compromised. These are cases of emotionally regressed adults, who show higher levels of contact avoidance or, even, who are unable to establish relationships of any kind. These people have a precarious relationship with desire once they don’t develop contact with their own bodies and fantasies. They usually show higher levels of social inhibition, commonly associated with other sorts of emotional disorders such as intellectual ones. [4] Dias, V.S . Sexual Identity development. In: Conjugal Bond. (2000). P.116

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