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Sexuality, in its genetic aspect, presupposes two basic instincts that are present in any mammal species: propelling, which is attributed to males, and receiving (welcoming), which is attributed to females. For Dias[1] , this would be the most basic instinct underlying masculine and feminine ways of being and behaving. In human beings, these energies are expressed through acting in the world- aggressive energy (a survival instinctive, manifested in the search for the breast) or through feminine energy- sensations associated with the ability of receiving, embracing, nutrition. Masculine energy, associated with assertiveness and aggressiveness, evolves from primary search for food, into affection, and, finally, into the satisfaction of needs and desires. Feminine drive, in turn, evolves from the sensation of receiving (nutrition) and welcoming into feelings and intuition. It is plausible to consider propelling a male instinct and receiving a feminine one. However, acting in a combative way in the world (masculine drive) or in a welcoming way, as well as capturing psychological atmospheres (feminine drive) are instincts that are intimately related to introjected traits and learned behaviors, which are present, both, in men and women. Understanding this concept is crucial because it draws our attention to behavioral models that are commonly associated with masculine or feminine genders. These behavioral models are also associated with more assertive and/or sensitive ways of being (traits[2]) that are present in parents or in people who replace them and are in charge of children upbringing. And these traits will eventually become the most important behavioral models that are learned and introjected by the children. In addition to that, there are also moral/cultural values and trends that will be the ground for cenesthetical changes in puberty. They will be the source of different behavioral references; different from the introjected ones, which come mostly from the family. Referring back to the beginning of this essay, sexual energy does bring in a great deal of intensity to sensations. Masculine and feminine role models on how to be and behave (parental ones) have been associated with masculine and feminine genders in “X” upbringing model. These models in one’s upbringing refer to those of combativeness and sensibility (intuition) in search for means to satisfy needs and desires. They will, eventually, be integrated into a healthy personality helping one to achieve a satisfactory life. “Y” combination of all of these elements, plus a child´s experience of inhibition (oppression, repression) or of emotional facilitation, will result in their personalities. For children, their daily lives is what they learn to consider “normal”, because they don’t have the autonomy or maturity to express themselves as individuals who have their own opinions and convictions yet.

To be continued in the next Post.

[1] Dias, V.S. Psychodrama. Theory and Practice. Ágora.1987. [2] I’ll refer to traits as “ways of being” in order to make it more clearer how they are correlated to with personality’s development

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