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Continuing the previous Post, in transition stage it is expected that teenagers are already familiar with sexual energy in their own bodies and akin ones. They, then, start to explore sex with different bodies and to experience what it is like to be in tune with the opposite sex and/or complementary energy. This period is marked by the first contact with passion and its most important character is the first boyfriend/girlfriend. Erotic desire for the opposite sex is awaken. It is also a time of great idealization, whose psychological function is to consolidate sexual and erotic tuning with opposite sex/complementary energy. If feminine models, coming from their mothers (in boys), and masculine models, coming from their fathers (in girls) are blocked, fusion doesn’t happen and, depending on the level of blockage, these identities can be absent or are just partially concluded. Therefore, people blocked at this stage can have sexual/erotic behaviors because they know what it is like to feel (they are in tune) with erotic energy in their own body and sex/energy. But they have difficulties with sexual/erotic interactions once they can’t be in tune with the escalation of erotic desire in the opposite sex/complementary energy. In other words, they can keep highly erotic and desired situations because they have well-structured sexual identities of their own sex/energy.They unconsciously avoid eroticized situations that demand erotic intimacy with the opposite sex or complementary energy, because boys don’t have well-structured feminine sexual identities and girls don’t have well-structured masculine sexual identities. Bearing this in mind: how do blocks at this stage appear in homosexual oriented people? They happen same way. The difficulty lies in enjoying the other’s desire, i.e, it is in intimate erotic exchange. Therefore, what brings disproportionate anxiety is intimacy with the complementary energy. Sexual and/or erotic situations that bring up phobic behaviors, regardless of sexual orientation, are signs of sexual identity blocks. Cases of blocks in transition stage imply not knowing, from inside experience, what it is like to feel in a feminine energy, i.e, erotically a receiving one, and in touch with one’s own needs and desires in life, in boys’ cases. And what it is like to feel in a masculine energy, i.e, erotically active in sex and assertive in life, in girls’ cases. To be in tune with sexual and erotic desire with the opposite sex and/or complementary energy is the necessary condition for a sexual interaction [2] and, therefore, for sexual identity conclusion.

To be continued in the next PosT [1] Anguishes that are triggered by blocks in S.I at this stage. [2] To more details see Post7-Transition stage/Transition stage blocks, in essay Sexual Identity development blocks, in: VII Block, Episode 2. Anguishes regarding sexual partners. Part2, in YouTube-Talking about Psychology with Cecília Leite.

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