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Updated: Aug 1, 2021

On previous essays we talked about Identity development, anguishes linked to it and distinguished anguishes regarding sexual identity from the ones that concern sexual life in general, alongside cultural influences on today’s Egos. And we made use of a parallel between psychoanalysis and Psychodramatic Analysis (PA)[1], our methodological reference, in order to emphasize the correlation between cultural aspects and unconscious cause of mental disorders. Finally, on this essay, we will concentrate on contemporary emotional disorders. Before going on, let’s remember the four pillars of personality’s development[2]- species typical phases, inhibitory atmospheres, identity models introjection (neurosis), cultural influences and individual’s own experiences. We will see, now, on how personality and contemporary anguishes are intertwined. Recapping, according to PA, development happens in two phases- 1) Cenesthetical phase- physiological primary systems’ maturation: brain, neuro-motor, digestive and urinary ones together with correlated emotions: mouth-larynx-satiety/satisfaction; Digestive system- defecation/relieve and urinary system- tension discharge /pleasure. 2)Psychological phase- Ego/consciousness development-socialization, learning abilities and introjected models. Traumas/ conflicting memories (the ones incompatible with the self -perception or Ego) are hidden by consciousness. This emotional way of functioning was called by Freud Defense mechanism .There are several ones. They are unconscious and act, at the same time, keeping mental coherence and repressing contents (affections/ideas) that are in contradiction with the Self[3] (Ego). Although Dias stresses the relevance of Cenesthetical Phase to understand psychological development, due to human being dependence during early years, two other cenesthetical phases also happen during human development- puberty/adolescence and menopause. We will concentrate on adolescence because it is protagonist on Ego’s development and because of existential anguish arousal, other precious concept for our purpose, for the time being. Finally, ‘Own Experiences” are the set of events introjected to personality that don’t come from the most important identity references during childhood. They define genuine aspects of someone’s personality that will be more or less integrated depending on their superegos.

To be continued on the next Post

[1] Psychodramatic Analysis is the name of the methodology created by Dias, V.S and taught in São Paulo School of Psychodrama, which I represent at Rio de Janeiro. [2] It is a didactic distinction. From our perspective, the four dimensions are intrinsically linked and are present from pregnancy [3]For Freud, the division between Ego and Id means Ego was a differentiated part from Id. The division would happen in to domains: 1) Ego/Self are in tension (conflict) and Ego repress Id or 2) Superego is in conflict with Ego , acting like a “(…) Judge or Censor regarding Ego”. Laplanche and Pontalis. 2001. Psychoanalysis Vocabulary. Martins Fontes:497-300. For Dias, similarly, Ego (Differentiated/organized part-DOP) detaches itself from its source (Cahotic/non differentiated Part -CNDP). If inhibitory atmospheres happened in early years-Cenesthetic phase- they block harmonic development of mind’s areas: feeling, perception and thought, resulting on the psychopathological patterns structuration. This process is called First exclusion zone. Ego (CNDP), on its turn, also blocks Id’s emergence through defense mechanisms, that do not allow our conscious contact with ambivalences and moral contradictions. This second unconscious dimension happens from psychological phase on. At that time, unconscious contents are kept in Second Exclusion Zone.

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