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  • cecilialeitecosta


If individuals start being “guided” by conviction in creativity to find personal direction in life, actually, motivations could be divided into main pillars: will (wishes) and necessity (survival). It is true that the need to survive limits the choices of one’s direction in life. But it is also true that this need helps to build a more strengthened Ego, with self -continence to seek for both needs and satisfaction. It doesn’t mean that necessity is compulsory to build a strengthened Ego. The lack of necessity, though, added to uncountable possibilities may contribute to the lack of self-continence. Attention: we are not talking about individuals with comorbidities that result in a lack of independence. We are addressing potential healthy/creative people that, however, feel lost and can’t find their track in life. If track in life were ‘given’ before- it would be settled with profession and marriage, which used to be the standard aspirations- nowadays life projects are, by definition, unstable. They become, to talk with Wittgenstein, ‘hard rock’, perception of “life the way it is”. All in all, should parents return to a repressive pattern? Would the lack of limits account for a generation with such a difficulty in finding motivation /purpose for life? It is hardly difficult to believe that repression will turn into behavioral script once again. It’s been such a deep change, now perceived as natural. Boomers/X and Millennials have gone through a transition in basic moral values that used to guide life aspirations and it had consequences, the same way it had in other times in history. Boomers have fought for freedom in many areas and have included success and social mobility in individuals standard aspirations (liberal societies). Their kids are raised in an atmosphere in which these achievements are taken for granted. But, yet , there is no manual (established script) of how to achieve such goals. Even parents don’t know and, therefore, can’t offer, themselves, well-structured models of “how to plan a personal /creative track of life”. The very “inflation of creativity” entails a paradox regarding identity models once creativity is, by definition, the antithesis of imitation. In brief, we are talking about a generation that since childhood have been used to having many wishes and few obligations and it certainly had a role in not feeling accountable for their track of lives. And how is this new way of life going to be followed by next generation? Is this “cultural diagnosis” yet valid?

To be continued on the next Post

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