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Updated: Jul 1, 2021

Since “Millennial crisis of authority[1]” other moral behavioral scripts and lives aspirations references have been established. Kids born from 2000 on don’t know life outside of internet. They are used, since early childhood, to inquiring and counting on many possibilities of directions in life: a great deal of creativity and career motivation. In short, these kids are more creative, less repressed and more anxious. Attention: anxiety is a complex diagnosis and cannot be considered just as a reflection of “boosted cultural creativity[2]”. It is fair to say, though , that the volume of available references and liberal upbringing had an influence on Egos without internal continence (contourless egos). And what are the consequences of these changes in contemporary Egos “social psychological ground[3]”? Centennials are more independent in what concerns feeling accountable for their interests and desires, thank to technology, to a great extent, to technology. Contents whatsoever are available in website’s search and interaction platforms. Since there is no life outside of internet, the old sources of knowledge such as teachers, professors and tutors lose intellectual authority and prestige. According to Corsos[4]: “(…) knowledge as a result of a pause to reflect (think and assimilate) becomes out-of-date. Access to information is brief, direct and continuous. Actually, information is copied and pasted. The act of learning happens in practice and, in this sense, Centennial children and teenagers are used to being more “off the hook” than the previous generation. This is also a multi-task generation used to doing many activities at the same time but with poor concentration and pervasive attention. Huge number of children are diagnosed with ADHD (Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity disorder) and manuals, together with Ritalin, teach how to concentrate for more than 15 minutes…Experience that comes with time has become dated. The nowadays trend is “to think outside of the box”. In fact, the contemporary stability may be found in many models of how to become an entrepreneur and develop a personal branding. To sum up, centennials are more accountable for searching for their needs and interests than Millennials. They share, however, a pervasive anxiety regarding direction in life. Regardless of social class, they are all perfectly familiar with technology and on the other and have considerable doubts concerning direction in life. These are the common psychological aspects of contemporary youth. This new condition has triggered new forms of anxiety.

To be continued on the next Post

[1]Post 7-Post Super Ego and crisis of authority. In: Cultural Influences on Identity [2] This topic will be developed in the sequence. [3]Post 3-Culture, Post 4- Culture and Ego, Post 10- Generation z/Centennials. Engaged entrepreneurs and Post 11-Centennials-New Zeitgeist- Challenges, [4] Corso, D. e M. Adolescence in scene (Adolescência em cartaz). 2008. Artmed.

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