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Updated: Jan 26, 2022

Continuing the previous Post, defecating brings along with it the first experiences of relief. They come together with the elimination of feces as a result of movements of perineal muscles (peristalses), which puts pressure on the intestinal loops, allowing feces to be expelled. Relief is concomitant with cenesthetical and emotional experience of differentiating itself. It inaugurates the sense of having something coming from inside and turning into something external, i.e, feces. At this point, babies start to have the cenesthetical experience of emergency and its emotional corelate: creation- ideas/concepts. After that, urine discharge brings along a new experience regarding sensorial world: the ability to hold something and the subsequent pleasure that comes from the act of liberating it: urinating. And its psychological corelate would be emotions and feelings of restraint (self-control), as well as the pleasure that comes from their discharge. This “active” pleasure coming from the contact with erogenous areas start to be developed from that time on. Children start to enjoy the pleasure of touching themselves in a spontaneous or compensatory way but, according to Dias, not erotic yet. Eroticism comes with sexual energy arousal[1].That said, it is possible to have an idea of the intensity of cenesthetical experiences that come together with biological and psychological development during early years. It is like a sensorial whirlwind, which reaches some balance after this stage, making room for biological stability, while enabling children to invest psychic energy in social life and learning abilities. From that time on psychological or Identity development[2] start.

To be continued in the next Post

[1] Intuition formation and its relation with identity will be develop in a next essay. [2]Identity will be developed throughout individual’s life. It is the group of sensations, values, convictions that sets people’s self-perception. It works as people’s mainstay, i.e, what gives them a sense of Self, purpose/ direction in life. Dias calls it “psychological ground”, in order to distinguish individuals’ self-perception from their Identity. Identity, in turn, entails a whole sense of Self, including unknown aspects (unconscious ones) their “True Selves”. A healthy adult can integrate repressed content to their self-perception. For didactic purposes I’ll refer to the stage of development prior to puberty as Infantile Identity and to the stage of development that happens from puberty on as Sexual Identity. The concept of identity (self-perception) starts to be developed from the beginning of socialization (2 years and a half on) and it comprehends the introjection of infantile masculine and feminine models - the basis for Sexual identity development later. These distinctions will be explored ahead.

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