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  • cecilialeitecosta


Updated: Aug 27, 2022

If people have reached this phase without having developed (blocks), they will have completed I.S development, i.e, they are psychologically equipped to fully enjoy erotic and sexual intimate relationships. They are ready to sexual interaction[1]. In these cases they don’t have anguishes regarding avoided sexual partners because they have well structured feminine and masculine idealized sexual identities.

Once Heterosexual Phase is concluded people are able to have whole sexual energy discharges and enjoy intimacy in erotic/sexual relationship. Broadly speaking, they don’t have Sexual Identity blocks[2] . Sexual blocks, in this phase, are linked to sexual, moral and/or religious repression cases. These blocks make it more difficult for people to explore sexual/erotic intimacy and complicity in relationships, because they are usually full of shame, guilt, fear and/or disgust. In other words, they may face difficulties in admitting who they really are or in enjoying sexual interaction because of their sexual and moral ridigity. However, differently from anguishes in sexual identity blocks (that are hidden) these conflicts are often overflowing with anguish and, for this reason, “accessible” to be treated in psychotherapeutic setting. Actually, people are used to bringing the theme up deliberately to be discussed and treated. Dias considers them functional blocks[3].

[1] To more details see Dias, in Post 8- Heterosexual Phase in essay: Sexual Identity development blocks in: Chapter 7-Episode 2-Anguishes regarding sexual Partners- Part2 in YouTube Talking about Psychology with Cecília Leite [2] In clinical practice we deal with mild retentions (blocks) cases that, however, don’t impede S.I conclusion. Retentions/blocks will be probably brought to light in random situations that demand higher or maximum intensity of Sexual Identity part that is partially blocked. For now, it is enough to know the right criteria for recognizing typical blocks in each phase of Sexual Identity development. [3] Post 9-Structural versus Functional blocks in essay: Sexual Identity development blocks in:

[1] Para maiores detalhes ver Dias em Post 8- Fase Heterosexual em ensaio: Bloqueios no desenvolvimento da Identidade Sexual em: Bloco VII- Episódio 2-Angústias nas relações com os parceiros sexuais- Parte 2, em YouTube Falando de Psicologia com Cecília Leite [2] Uso os termos estruturação ou desenvolvimento (da I.S) de forma intercambiável. [3] Na prática lidamos com casos de níveis brandos de retenção que, todavia, não impedem a conclusão da I.S. os bloqueios vêm à tona em situações que solicitem uma intensidade maior/máxima da parte da Identidade Sexual que ficou parcialmente obstruída. Por ora, é suficiente saber qual o critério para reconhecimento dos tipos de bloqueios específicos a cada fase da estruturação da I.S. [4] Post 9- Bloqueios Estruturais versus Bloqueios Funcionais em ensaio: Bloqueios no desenvolvimento da Identidade Sexual em:

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