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Continuing the previous Post, people blocked at the second stage of puberty count on:

1) Masturbation- as a discharging channel for sexual energy.

2) Lower eroticized relationships (intimacy based on affinites as a way to avoid anxiety brouhgt by eroticization)

In both cases, people don’t emotionally overcome the great friend’s stage.

Transition stage

This stage is also known as first boyfriend/girlfriend stage. The first boyfriend/girlfriend stage. The first boyfriend/girlfriend represents the first person of the opposite sex who triggers their sexual desire. It is a rather idealized stage, as well, marked by the disproportional intensity of feelings. It means that first boyfriends/girlfriends usually don’t know their status or, at least, don’t suspect about the intentisy of feelings towards them. It is a stage marked by the first contast with infatuation. The psychological function of the first boyfriend/girlfriend is to start the process of being in tune with another body and sex, forming the idealized masculine identity in girls, and the idealized feminine identity in boys. From that time on, they are biologically ready to be in tune with the erotic escalation of desire in their opposite sex/energy partners’ body and also to be excited with it, creating the conditions for the interational cicle or dance, which Dias calls sexual interaction. Therefore, while flirting, a boy can be in tune with the escalation of desire in a girl’s body because of his feminine idealized sexual identity, which, in turn, activates his masculine idealized sexual identity that corresponds to hers. The boy’s eroticization (desire) is captured by the girl’s masculine idealized sexual identity, which activates her feminine idealized sexual identity, allowing her to flirt back.

Structural blocks

Structural Blocks, in this stage come from:

-Previous reasons (that might have occured in mild levels- not strong enough to keep them blocked in the previous stage)

-From the inability to be in tune with eroticization in the opposite sex/complementary energy.

Like in the previous stage, its fundamental mark is the ability to be erotically in tune with other bodies, though of the opposite sex/energy. It means that, depending on the level of the block, people may find themselves in situations of huge discomfort, embarassment and, even, panic when they are demanded in their idealized sexual identity of the opposite sex/energy, i.e, in highly eroticized situations with people of the opposite sex/complementary energy. In mild cases they don’t avoid eroticized desired situations, but they can’t reach sexual interaction.

To be continued in the next Post

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